My Yoga practice, my meditation practice, my jaunts on the treadmill all seem to fall to the bottom of my "to do" list -- even though I know they should be top priorities. But when, exactly, will I do everything else???? Oh dear….I need another cookie. (Add over-eating to the stress list.)
I have worked hard over the years to give myself permission to pull way back and, really, my self-imposed quest for perfection has become more in line with reality. Still, there are certain expectations. Family traditions that must not be left out, something to eat and drink when people show up, a gift here and there.
And maybe I could grab the vacuum and dust cloth and give everything the once over. I did that this morning, then took a closer look at my hardwood floors and wondered when the last time they'd been really cleaned had been. Out came the damp mop for most, then on my hands and knees for the kitchen. I'm waiting for the floors to dry now, zipping through Facebook posts, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" playing on the stereo, with me counting the days until he shows up and wondering if I'll be ready.
I believe my Guardian Angel just took some pity on this stressed and frantic woman and plopped this link in my Newsfeed: http://www.feelguide.com/2014/11/19/harvard-unveils-mri-study-proving-meditation-literally-rebuilds-the-brains-gray-matter-in-8-weeks/
If stress (like Christmas season craziness) causes our brains to atrophy, isn't it better to find a stress-free substitute, like meditation, to build that gray matter back up? This is so encouraging! And easy! Well, it does take practice to quiet that Screaming Meemie who wants me to make another "to do" list and get moving on the next festive holiday task, but when I am quiet, I remember that all of this hub-bub is just a human creation. We invented the whole "celebration" season, helped along by commercialism and someone else's idea of what we should be doing to be good parents, grandparents, hosts, and revelers.
Christians celebrate this month as that of Jesus' birth. Pagans recall the "old times" of gods and goddess, the Solstice and return of light. The joy of those events, and others, has nothing to do with elves, piles of gifts, home baked goodies, groaning sideboards, or even clean floors. I keep forgetting that.
Let's get quiet. Let's turn inward. Let's give our stressed out brains a rest and give ourselves the gift of a brain that is always growing, ever strong, constantly adapting to what we "feed" it. Let's feed it love and good will and a sense of peace this holiday season. Could be the best gift of all. ©
Photo Credit: Copyright: <a href='https://www.123rf.com/profile_i3alda'>i3alda / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
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