Then at Savasana time, we did a set up where one block rested between our shoulder blades while we rested our head on another. Karen suggested we just 'give it a try'. And if it didn't work for us, by all means make a change.
I gave it try. But in short order it wasn't working for me. I could tell because my Monkey Mind, instead of calming to a meditative state, started to go wild. As I felt one hard block like a cement paver under my tender skull and the other digging into about twelve places on my back, my fantasies turned to kidnapping. I decided I should try to breathe through the discomfort because if I was ever kidnapped and thrown into a trunk (which happens all the time on HBO), and landed on a bag of hammers, I'd be able to overcome the pain by harkening back to this Yoga class.
Karen came 'round and pushed my shoulders back (a little ouch-ie, truth be told) and massaged my shoulders a bit (aaahhhh....nice). She moved on and I focused on my breath. I wondered how dark it would be in the trunk. I wondered if I could use my newly Yoga-muscled legs to kick out a tail light. I squirmed a little, trying to find a place of ease. Nope. No ease. Then I decided, "Hey! I'm not in a trunk! I'm at Yoga Circle and this is my reward time! Let go of struggle and take action on your own behalf."
I sat up and moved the blocks off to the side. I made my usual comfy Savasana nest and lay back down. Much better.
I know that some practice with breathing through and transcending discomfort comes in handy. I've used it when sitting way back in the coach section on long flights. I've used it when perched on uncomfortable stools around kitchen counters. I've used it in the dentist's chair and on the exam table. But I decided that I will rise to the challenge of whatever situation I find myself in and heck, kidnapping is not likely to be one of them.
I'll take my Savasana lying down, thank you. Flat, no blocks. But, hey, give it a try. It might just be your thing!©
Namaste, donnajurene
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