Historically (like a way long time ago in a land far, far away), Yoga's roots came from an Indian tradition that was completely male-dominated. Women were forbidden to practice. Then along came a brave soul or two of the female persuasion, and a Yogi or two who agreed to teach them, and women slowly became more accepted into the fold.
When Yoga came to the west, women flourished in the practice. Today (look around!) women seem to be the face (and body) of Yoga. Gregoire posits in her article that this is partly due to merchandising and the commercialization of Yoga. It's big business, folks, and a glance through Yoga Journal confirms the stereotype that young, slim, strong, tall, flexible female bodies are the ideal of the practice. Seldom does the media show bodies that are overweight, out of shape, or aging in a typical way -- if these "imperfections" are shown, they are still shown in the ideal -- a hunky guy, a larger person of surprising flexibility, or an atypically youthful-looking elder. No one seems to be struggling with body image or stiff muscles and joints.
I agree that Yoga can keep an imperfect body functioning in a healthy way -- it's part of the reason I love asana practice -- but to push an ideal image that effectively eliminates those of imperfect physical stature or even an entire half of the population due to gender bias, is just wrong.
Sad, huh? I love it when guys come to Yoga Circle. I love it when they are willing to be vulnerable enough to move awkwardly at first and challenge themselves to find a way to strength, flexibility, physical and emotional health that is "non-traditional". Yay guys!
I also love that strong, committed women have taken Yoga "off the mat" and into the world, showing us that Yoga is both a contemplative practice and a way into world-changing activism. Not long ago I watched "Yogawoman", a DVD about the history and influence of women on Yoga, many of whom are renowned practitioners today, taking Yoga beyond the studio. http://www.yogawoman.tv I felt proud, even though my practice primarily takes place in my living room and at this sweet small-town studio at Yoga Circle. I feel part of something bigger, ancient, vital, and strong.
Women and men...Yoga is for everyone, everywhere! ©
Namaste, donnajurene
Photo Credit: Copyright: <a href='https://www.123rf.com/profile_crazysub'>crazysub / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
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