I had already been doing some form of toddler yoga (lots of Lion's breath/pounce and Child's Pose) with my granddaughter (I'll call her "Angel" here) for some time and I thought she'd get right with the program. Silly me. She hung in there for about 15 minutes then proceeded to prefer the task of removing all the bolsters from the shelves and stacking them around us, fort-like. Hmmm...maybe a bit distracting for others? But they were good-natured about it, as was the teacher, Dorrinda.
Needless to say, I've confined my Grandma/Granddaughter yoga sessions to my living room since then. Her attention span has increased dramatically as has her skill level. But it's still mostly just a fun and funny exercise in creating weird shapes with our bodies.
Lately, though, after our weekly Family Dinner, she has pulled my Hatha Yoga Illustrated book from the bookshelf and challenged me in joining her in doing the poses on each page. She likes the advanced versions; I always tell her modifications are just as effective. Usually much laughter ensues at these sessions on our mats, but I have noted she is taking it all just a wee bit more seriously.
Then, last week when she asked if I wanted to do some Yoga, I expected the same silliness. I said sure, with a bit of distraction, since I was also eager to cuddle my NEW granddaughter in my arms (one month old!). So when my Angel ignored the illustrated book and instead asked me to stand in "Mountain" with her, I barely noticed. Then she said, "Now, please fold forward, fingers on the floor." With amusement I did that. She continued, "Please plant your hands...now jump back into plank, lower your feet and come into Down Dog." WHAT??? When did this 5 year old go off and do her teacher training?
I looked at her incredulously, asking, "Angel! Where did you learn that?" "
"Oh, at school," she said. "Our Yoga teacher taught us." She attends an all-day preschool/childcare and apparently one of her teachers brought someone in to hold short Yoga sessions with the kiddos.
Imagine my delight! She didn't know much more than that, and quickly went back to the book for our next few asanas, but it was still pretty darn cool.
At the end of our "session" she very seriously joined her hands at her chest and with the slightest bow, whispered, "Namaste". We've been doing that for a long time and it's usually me who initiates, but not this time. My Angel is a Yoga instructor in the making and this Grandma is proud to be her first student. ©
Namaste, donnajurene
Photo Credit: Pixabay.com
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