Wednesday, September 9, 2020


 NOTE:  I started this September series on the Enneagram and Yoga on September 2.  Please go here for an introduction to the Enneagram and a list of resources for more info.  I won't repeat that information in each post, but it's important for you to have. Thanks. 🙏🏽


Let's continue to explore the Enneagram Personality Types by taking a look at our TYPE TWOS AND THREES.

TYPE TWO:  Often identified as "The Helper" or the "The Caretaker".  TYPE TWOS need to feel loved and valued and like to show this positive regard for others as well.  They are patient, caring, adaptable, generous, and tuned into others' feelings.  They can express emotions easily and feel happiest when they can anticipate and meet others' needs. People like to be around Twos and feel safe and cared for in their presence. Twos tend to be friendly and supportive, always willing to lend a hand. They are the "best friend" to many.

Twos maybe have heard a message like this as a child: "You are good or okay if you are loved by others and are close to them."  The Twos basic need is to be loved.  They fear being unloved or unwanted for themselves alone.  They are so focused on this that they may become manipulative, making themselves unexpendable so they can stay in relationship.   They often put their own needs at the bottom of the list, perhaps losing touch with what might actually make them happy.  They might feel selfish and do not ask for what they want/need.  This can lead to anger and resentment that is hard for them to express, so it comes out "sideways" in moodiness or flashes of anger seemingly coming from nowhere.  Or their constant giving may manifest in exhaustion and withdrawal, which then makes them feel guilty for not doing enough --  a vicious cycle. 

I imagine the TYPE TWO in the Covid crisis might respond by reaching out to all the neighbors, making sure everyone has what they need, perhaps leaving gifts on doorsteps or offering to run errands or buy groceries for others.  They might feel overwhelmed by the crisis, but will continue to be available to everyone's needs without regard for their own emotional and physical well-being.  Their need to "help" puts them at the center of every personal crisis of those they care about, so the Covid issue is just one more problem to soothe.

Twos can move to a healthier profile by realizing they can't solve every problem for everyone else.  They can take a step back and evaluate what they themselves might need.  Twos often get overwhelmed and exhausted by their caretaking and can benefit from setting healthy boundaries and taking as much time to nurture themselves as they give to others.  They can feel like they are flying apart and need to become grounded in the here and now.


Grounding and core strengthening poses that put you in touch with your inner resources are great for Twos.   Stand tall in Mountain Pose, fully erect, grounded, and confident.  Stay still; breathe in this grounding and uplifting pose.  Perhaps a Plank Pose or a Boat Pose, both engaging the core, will remind you of your inner strength.  A strong Warrior II pose will help you find strength in setting boundaries.  Supported restorative poses are great for self-nurturing.

TYPE TWO is a very giving person, sometimes at their own expense.  If this is you, take a step back and learn to count to 10 before diving into a "rescue mission".  Your love and generosity are so needed in this world -- and you need those for yourself too.  Be as kind to yourself as you are to others.


TYPE THREE:  Known as "The Achiever", this type is optimistic, confident, efficient, and industrious.  They like to set and achieve goals, striving toward the next big thing. They are generally successful in whatever they do, even if they have set backs.  They persevere.  Their personal accomplishments are admired by many. They often have, and enjoy, status in their social circles, workplaces, and community.  They are can be charismatic leaders who like to stand out.  Performers and politicians are among their ranks.

Threes may have heard messages in their childhood such as: "You are good or okay as long as you are successful and others think well of you."  They fear being worthless or without value.  Their basic desire is to feel worthwhile, accepted, and desirable.  Threes will push themselves hard to accomplish, which can lead to a feeling of alienation from themselves and others.  They are often workaholics.  They may appear distracted, aloof, and unemotional except for an "extroverted" nature in pursuit of their goals.  Success may manifest in being materialistic and/or focusing on their personal appearance.  They constantly worry about what others are thinking of them, needing praise and recognition to feel okay.

I imagine TYPE THREE in this Covid crisis gathering a team together to tackle a project.  They will use their powers of persuasion to organize a mask-wearing campaign or to support local restaurants by planning a weekly "to-go" night amongst people they know.  They will work tirelessly to try to deal with the crisis as positively and successfully as possible, at home and possibly on the job.  They will be models of perseverance but also may find themselves unable to access their emotions about this pandemic because they are so busy with tasks outside themselves.

Threes can move to a healthier profile by giving themselves a break to take time to relax and recharge. They often try to portray a successful image, but underneath feel insecure about being judged.  They would benefit from seeking out people they trust with whom they can be their vulnerable selves.  Creative outlets, just for the joy of creation, are good activities for Threes.  Being part of a team, not the leader, can also help alleviate the "must be seen and acknowledged" stress. 


Threes can often spend much time in their heads, so they will benefit from heart-opening poses such as Cobra and Upward Facing Dog to bring them back to their body.  Their racing minds and stressed nervous systems on overdrive would benefit from a meditation and/or pranayama practice that calms and restores a place of peace and acceptance of what 'is', in this moment, not planning for the next.  

TYPE THREEs are optimistic with a "can-do" attitude.  They are resilient and can motivate others, and seem to love working tirelessly.  These are great traits!  But Threes often lose themselves (and their relationships) in workaholism and a quest for success.  If this is you, know that it's OK to step back, relax, and find a someone to be completely yourself with.  You are valued for YOU, not just what you do. ©

Namaste, donnajurene

Photo Credit:


  1. This is fascinating to me. I think my Type 4 is up next... the most fascinating of all!

  2. Me... Or their constant giving may manifest in exhaustion and withdrawal, which then makes them feel guilty for not doing enough -- a vicious cycle.
