Please don't take this the wrong way. You are all quite wonderful. But there is one teeny, tiny problem….
I don't yet have a "yoga butt". I hold you responsible.
Oh sure, I do notice my strength, balance, and flexibility have improved dramatically. My alignment is better. My anxiety levels have dropped significantly since learning to breathe mindfully and meditate regularly. I feel safe, accepted, and loved as part of the Yoga Circle community. Laughter and silliness in class is a welcome respite some days when I take myself too seriously.
Still….when does the yoga butt get built? You know the one -- rounded, pert, firm -- like the ones in Yoga Journal magazine, filling out the Prana pants. Obviously there is something missing from your classes. Or perhaps there is some sort of magic potion or lotion that I could try. Maybe you could stock that on one of the merchandise shelves.
Also, a yoga waistline would be nice. Either that or never, ever open those curtains covering the mirrors again. I got a glance at my spare tire the other day and found it to be quite startling and not at all in keeping with the image in my mind's eye when I "see" myself doing seated twist. Of course, I understand there could be some distortion in the mirror -- that happens to me a lot.
Well, another year is soon upon us. You may want to add one more to your list of resolutions. Repeat after me: "This is the year I will really and truly give donna a yoga butt and a slim waistline. Promise!" ©
Thank you, all. And Namaste...donnajurene
PS HaHa! Karen promptly posted a Best Yoga Butt Exercises link on the Yoga Circle Facebook page! Love it! Thanks! https://www.facebook.com/YogaCircleStudio?fref=nf
Photo Credit: davidmakings@123RF
FROM AN EMAIL I RECEIVED FROM A READER: I did have just a hint of yoga butt after 10 years with the same teacher. In the last couple years, she included warm-up exercises targeting the muscles we would be using that day. They really improved the butt and waist! Those exercises caused 3 of her students to leave and go to someone who did 'real yoga'. They just did not understand the foundation our teacher was laying. Their loss.