So, here's me in the early stages of 2015, three to five pounds heavier (depending upon how gingerly I step on the scale at various times throughout the day), once again vowing to move this rockin' bod back into pre-holiday form (at which time I was also promising to move this bod into a more svelte version of itself even then). Some people just love a challenge.
I vowed to start a 30 Minutes of Yoga for 30 Days Challenge on January 1st. This is never a good idea. I ended up skipping the first day -- Rose Parade, Bowl Games, leftovers…hmmm. So I did the first day of the Challenge on January 2nd. Then I skipped January 3rd, but did some weight-lifting instead. Then I skipped January 4th and 5th because…I was busy. Today is January 6th and I'll be going to Yoga Circle and I'm super glad of that since...
This at home thing might not work out for me. Or... I might take this challenge not so much as 30 days of Yoga, but 30 days of exploring why I sabotage my own best interest. I am watching my mind and it mostly says…"do it later", "do it later"…. and later never feels like a good time either. My mind is also noticing my preferences (like writing) over what feels effortful (like moving). I'm also working on accepting the basics of who I am and what thrills and motivates me and what doesn't, then challenging those ingrained assumptions, and moving toward a more peaceful balance between ease and effort. I'm tired of the struggle.
And that's the beginning of the intention I will craft for 2015. No more struggle. How about you? How do you ease into those things that challenge you? How accepting are you of yourself, just as you are? Where can you find a peaceful coexistence with all the parts of yourself? ©
Namaste, friends, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! donnajurene
Photo Credit: stylephotographs@www.123rf.com
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