Saturday, December 17, 2016


At the studio last week our teacher, Carly, began class with a time of silence and invited us to set an  intention for our practice.

I have been practicing sporadically lately -- for several weeks I was sick and had a lingering bronchitis that caused me to cough every time I took a deep breath, then we were out of town for a bit, then we had extra childcare duty, then the holidays came along and that wrecks havoc with regular schedules.

My intention was just to be gentle with myself; to be not judgmental and just relax into my body with acceptance.  I was mostly successful.  The inner critic scolded me when it was obvious how tight my muscles had become and how relatively difficult some of the asanas were to do.  I had to focus instead of go on auto pilot; a good thing, actually.  That's what the asanas are for -- to focus the mind, not to get a yoga butt (although a nice side-effect.)

I started to wonder what my day would be like if I set an intention every morning for my whole day?  At first this just felt like acknowledging my "to do" list, but I realized that a grander intention would make that list more meaningful.  The next morning I sat up in bed and took a few deep breaths, eyes closed, and set the intention for peace in my day.  As I went about the usual tasks I tried to keep this mantra of peace in my mind.  If I felt myself getting agitated or rushed, I remembered "peace" and calmly took a breath and went on.  At the end of the day, I realized I felt calmer, less overwhelmed.

The next day my intention was "helpfulness" and I looked for opportunities to be helpful to another that day, which was easy -- almost cheating really, since it was a "granny nanny" day for me and my job description is basically to be helpful to my almost 2 year old granddaughter.  But I found with that intention in mind, I was more patient and attentive with her, and realized my helping her and encouraging her was modeling the important learning she is doing right now.

I've been talking to people about what they do during the holidays to take care of themselves since this can be a hectic, stressful time.  I've heard about massages, bubble baths, time with friends, yoga, meditation, an afternoon cup of tea, a warm fire and a favorite book....all terrific ways to do self-care.  For me, the setting of intention has become a self-care tool too.   Finding a theme for the day, a gentle reminder of a greater plan than getting to the grocery store or wrapping a few gifts makes those tasks less onerous and more enjoyable.

This is a fun, hectic, meaningful, and sometimes sad and frustrating time of year.  All of us need ways to care for ourselves both during and after the holidays.  Some years I've felt I'm running a marathon and the finish line is out there on December 26th.  I used to say that was my favorite day of the year!  If December 26th looms large for you, I totally get it!  And self-care is awaiting you then too.  Karen offers her annual free Restorative Yoga Workshop that day; come bask with the intention of release, renewal, and reward!©

Namaste,  donnajurene

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