Thursday, April 12, 2018


I'm worried about our President.  I fear this job is taking a toll on him and he's only a little over a year into his contract.  I'm pretty sure he has ditched his Yoga practice.  I see all the signs...

First of all, at any age we need to stay strong and flexible to stay in good health, but it's even more important as we grow older.  And he is older. I don't know if his golf game is doing all it could for his physical suppleness.  A few Twists might loosen up his back and provide more range of motion for that golf swing.  He might also find a few Forward Folds would make setting his tee or picking up his ball less onerous.  (Or is that the caddy's job?  I  know little about golf and less about a caddy's job description.)  I note that he likes to ride in the golf cart too.  Maybe walking would be a good idea.  I read that his weight is one pound less than officially obese.  He might want to do a Thread the Needle on each side to help expand those hip joints.  He could also spend some time with the rollers to loosen the fascia and improve his walking gait.  Just a suggestion.

As we all know, Yoga isn't just about physical exercise; it also about peace of mind.  I think the President seems a little tense.  I've never heard him laugh.  He smiles occasionally, but it looks forced.  I get it; he has a lot on his mind.  But maybe a few "Laughing Yoga" classes would loosen him up and relax him a bit.   He tends to take himself rather seriously.

Yoga is ultimately about self-awareness and finding inner calm.  I bet if he stepped up his yoga and meditation practice, he'd be less apt to awaken at dawn after fitful sleep and find himself Tweeting provocative scattershot messages that he often has to revise in the light of day.  Sir, yes, people will disappoint, will misunderstand, will disagree, but name-calling is beneath the dignity of your office.  Take a deep breath in...hold...let it all slowly out.  See?  Better!

When we begin to accept ourselves in all our contradictory glory, to realize the folly of trying to always be in control, to give up judgements, and to embrace the wondrous diversity of this universe, we are better able to let go of Ego and find compassion for others.   We see in them the same fears, joys, challenges, and victories we find in ourselves.  We naturally want to reach out a helping hand, especially to those most vulnerable, and find collaborative solutions to seemingly intractable problems.  Best of all, we stop being afraid of what is "different", because isn't "different" merely a trick of perspective?  Once we deeply realize we are all one, any need to punish, exploit, or degrade vanishes.  Do unto others, basically.

So, anyway.  New York is chock-a-block full of yoga studios and meditation sangas.  I'm sure he has taken ample advantage of these opportunities in his NYC life.  I understand he's still getting settled in D.C. and learning on the job, since he showed up with no experience.  Been there, done that.  Not easy.  But it's time to get back at it!

As his Administration seems to have some degree of turnover, perhaps he will find he can accommodate a yoga instructor in the West Wing.  He could do his practice during morning "executive time", maybe slip in a few Partner Yoga sessions with Melania!  It's better than being a couch potato, noshing on cheeseburgers,  listening to the TV pundits, whose advice he'd be silly to take.  I'm sure he knows that.

I think I'll hop on Twitter and urge him to get back to his yoga and meditation practices.  I think we'd all feel better.  ©

Namaste,  donnajurene

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