Saturday, May 12, 2018


She's not going to go there, is she?  Yes!  Yes, indeed!  She IS going to go there!

Let's talk about sex.

At class a few months ago, we were giggling about keeping our joints loose and "juicy" (getting the synovial fluid moving) and a woman next to me blurted out -- this is also good for sex!  She and I cracked up!  I'm not sure if anyone else heard her.  She whispered, "You should blog about this!"

So here I am, after hemming and hawing about broaching the topic here.  Some people have delicate sensibilities when it comes to the "S" word.  But we know that yoga is life and for most of us at some time or another, frequently or infrequently, sex is a part of life, right?  And that being the case, Yoga might have some benefit in improving our sexual selves.

It's obvious, if you think about it in this context.  Yoga increases flexibility, allows us to move into various interesting shapes and postures, keeps those "juices" flowing, increases strength, balance and confidence, and sharpens concentration and mindfulness as we clear our minds of chit-chat and find the open space of being egoless-ly in the moment.

Hurt-y backs, stiff knees, closed hips and jib-jabber racing thoughts do not make for a relaxed and satisfying sexual experience.  As in Yoga, it's not a positive "ooh-ahh" experience if you've grit your teeth and knotted your brow into a headache just to endure and get through it.  (Also, as in yoga class, do NOT look at the clock!)

So even if intuitively I figured yoga might be of benefit in this most intimate of human expressions, I didn't know exactly which poses might be of most benefit.  So, of course I Googled "yoga and sex".

I have made this sacrifice for the sake of this blog with some trepidation.  I know my Facebook ads and Amazon pitches will now be somewhat risqué.  I always worry about who will access my computer and see my search history when I die.  Let me say right here: IT'S BLOG RESEARCH!

I found this article: to be of interest.  It's short and illustrated with a bit more detail than I show below.  Read it.  But here are the poses we do all the time that you may be surprised to learn will increase your libido!

1.  Cat/Cow (kegel builder)
2.  Bound Angle (hip opener)
3.  Pigeon (deep hip opener)
4.  Eagle (releases blood flow to pelvic area)
5.  Bridge (stretch hip flexors/tones vagina)
6.  Downward Dog (eases muscle tension in back)
7.  Wide Legged Straddle (releases blood flow to pelvic area, increases vitality)
8.  Kegels, kegles, kegles.  (Mula Bondha)

I am a bit suspicious that this article was written with women in mind, even if one of the photos demo-ing the poses is a man.   So just to be balanced, may I suggest adding Plank?

I think I'll leave it right there with this topic, even though I'm sure there is SO MUCH MORE to explore.

Have fun experimenting and is the yoking of mind and body, being present in the moment and finding love and compassion for all, in all you do.  That sex thing too. ©

Namaste,  donnajurene

Photo Credit:

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