She'll be so glad when the holidays are over! The whole thing exhausts her. So much to do, never enough time. She's so distracted she often run out on some errand without her coat! Coats are such a bother anyway, trying to get her seatbelt fastened over all that bulk! She guesses she could grab a lighter weight jacket, or her rain coat. Crazy how everyone needs about five different weights of clothing in the Northwest!
Shirley shuffled along Hewitt Avenue. The air was turning cold, night was not far off and she heard a man on the corner talk about snow coming. She pulled her sweater around her a little tighter. She'd walked the entire length of Hewitt ten times that day. Killing time. Trying to keep warm…
He's getting so frustrated with shopping this year! Toys are getting so expensive! He must have made 20 trips to Toys R Us. Every time he spent more than intended, but oh well. Christmas only comes once a year and he doesn't want to disappoint the kids on Christmas morning. The bills won't come in for a few weeks anyway. Thank God for plastic!
Carmin waited in line outside Santa's House on the first shopping day. It was 7:00 a.m. and the doors didn't open until 9:00, but she knew she needed to get there early to get anything decent. The good stuff went fast. Donated toys were often broken or worn. She spent Christmas Eve washing a dirty set of plastic play dishes last year -- a partial set. She hoped to find a nice doll for Grace this year, but she knew she'd just have to take what she could get…
Of course there's also all the last minute shopping. You know, those gifts you didn't intend to get, but you got one from them so now you feel obligated and there's always a last minute party invitation that requires a hostess gift. Well, that's what the season is for, right? Generosity and good will toward all! Just like the Hallmark cards say! She also sees so much she just can't resist for herself too! And decorations! So many cute things to make the house sparkle. Oh, she loves Christmas -- so beautiful!
The van was crowded. They'd kept moving it, to avoid suspicion. It was getting cold at night, too. The social worker said all the shelters were full. Christmas was coming, but they could hardly put up a tree in the van! Bill had been out looking for work all day. Cindy and the kids had gone to the park early that morning to play, sit, and wait. Finally she saw the van coming. Bill climbed out and handed her a sprig of holly. He wasn't smiling. She tied the holly to the antenna with a piece of string she'd found on the ground. They watched the kids swing. Maybe they'd come back here on Christmas morning. There was a big tree in the park, all lit up. There wouldn't be any presents, or much food, or a warm fire, but at least they were still together….
I tell you though, family is what Christmas is really about! Even though they can sure be annoying! Uncle Hal is so boring! And can anyone bear to eat one more of Aunt Helen's "amazing jello salads"? And couldn't people just NOT watch sports all day on the holidays? Sometimes he wishes he could just go off by myself. Now that would really be a special holiday!
Rosa sat in the dark, holding her baby, both of them crying. How had this happened to her? In Mexico she was a bank executive. Here she was a fugitive. She'd come to this country with her American husband, but after all the beatings at his hand she ran from him. Now the immigration service was looking for her. She was not legal; she'd be deported and her baby would go to her husband or into foster care. She missed her family in Mexico City. What would she do? Her tears continued to fall…©
We think of Christmas as the season of giving, but the season of giving never ends so long as the season of needing goes on and on and on. I originally wrote this piece in 1991, based on stories I'd known of through the social service agency where I worked. It's been published a couple of times since then and still, not so much has changed in 2014.
Thanks, Karen, for all the opportunities to contribute food and clothing at the studio this season to help those in our community and beyond.
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