Wednesday, September 16, 2020


NOTE:  I started this September weekly series on the Enneagram and Yoga on September 2. Please go here for an introduction to the Enneagram and a list of resources for more info.  I won't repeat that information in each post, but it's important for you to have.  Thanks.  🙏🏽


Alrighty!  This week let's take a look at Enneagram TYPES FOUR and FIVE.

TYPE FOUR:  Known as "The Romantic" or "The Individualist", TYPE FOURS are warm and compassionate, introspective, expressive, and above all, creative.  They can establish warm connections with people, as others are drawn to their quirky world view and irreverent humor.  FOURS feel unique and different from other people, often feeling others don't fully understand them.  They can move toward melancholy when disappointed by life.  They often might feel something is missing from life and their lonely quest is to find it to feel complete.  They fear having no identity or personal significance. They can live in an intense inner world at times, but are also vibrant and artistic, creating beauty in their surroundings, making them fun and interesting to be with.

FOURS may have heard a message that sounds like: "You are good or okay if you are true to yourself."  This sounds like good advice until their search for this Truth can create feelings of alienation; no one can adequately share their depth of longing.  FOURS can be tempermental and consumed by their feelings.  Often they are seen, and see themselves, as loners.  They can become rageful toward those who they perceive do not understand them, but this rage covers a deep longing to be known and accepted by others (as well as themselves.)  

I imagine the TYPE FOUR in the Covid crisis turning inward, contemplating the suffering of those around them, both those they know and those they do not, feeling a deep sense of compassion but also helplessness.   They might turn toward a creative pursuit to express their own feelings, creating something that resonates with others and helps with their emotional expression and healing as well.  The TYPE FOUR will acknowledge their own grief and that of those around them, but it can take a toll on them as well. They must guard against depression and isolation.  There is nothing more "disappointing" to a FOUR than a world gone mad; it can feel overwhelming.

The FOUR can come to a healthier place by channeling the dark places of the soul into expressions of art, music, poetry, drama, or even humor.  They can creatively express what so many of us feel, which is a gift to all.  Even better, finding meaningful actions will get them out of their emotional rumination and into the real world, becoming involved in activities that feed their souls and put them in connection with others.  They may find the "true self" they are looking for in action rather than circular rumination.

  Emerge from of your deep emotions and out into the world on a regular basis!  FOURS will benefit from a consistent studio practice, rather than a private, home practice.  FOURS can benefit from a strong core practice, getting in touch with their inner strength.  Flow classes will complement their moving emotions, giving physical release to them through movement.  Keeping eyes open and finding a focal point (drishti) during practice can help FOURS focus and stay in the material world.

FOURS are sensitive, introspective, deeply feeling people.  The world desperately needs your deep compassion, caring heart, and creative expression of insight and beauty.  And you need to engage in the world around you to mirror back your own inner strength and power.  That for which you are searching -- your True Self -- is here for you, between your heart and the horizon.


TYPE FIVE:  TYPE FIVES are called "The Observer" or "The Investigator".  FIVES are analytical, objective, perceptive, and sensitive.  They like to stand back and take in all that is happening around them, watching events from afar, and gathering information.  They love to delve deeply into a topic, studying and researching until they feel they have gathered all the information they need to feel a degree of expertise. They are often seen as aloof or cerebral and can tend to isolate themselves as they need a great deal of quiet alone time to think, research, and study their interests.  They do not like demands put upon them, which they see as intrusive.  They can easily become emotionally drained.  They like to feel in control and competent, and find this control and competence in knowledge, which is highly prized by the FIVE.

The message FIVES may have heard is:  "You are good or okay if you have mastered something."  Consequently they can have an underlying insecurity about being useless or incapable, not being clever enough or educated enough or able enough compared to others.  They can be drawn to esoteric studies, not interested in what most already know, but finding new information they alone can impart.  They are often experts on topics most do not know about... or they might know quite a bit about a variety of topics, enjoying being a generalist and proud of that breadth of knowledge.  They desire being capable and competent.

In the Covid crisis, I imagine the TYPE FIVE gathering all the data and statistics on the virus, tracking its spread, reading medical studies on causes and cures. They will have the most recent data on all aspects of the "virus story".  They like to be prepared, which alleviates their inner anxieties.  They will find the most effective mask to wear, and will be happy to tell you about it, but you may have to ask them for this information instead of assuming they will reach out to share it.  Their reclusiveness often leads others to believe they are uncaring -- which is far from true. FIVES are compassionate, trustworthy, and kind.

The FIVE can come to a healthier place by getting out of their heads and into their bodies.  They prize the intellect to the exclusion of all else.  It is said they can understand life, but have trouble actually living it.  In a healthier place the FIVE is engaged in life, in activities, in friendships.  They overcome their self-consciousness and become more carefree and fun-loving.  

  TYPE FIVES, you need to connect to the present moment.  Like the Four, an open-eyed focal point practice helps ground the Five in the here and now.  Partner poses would be a challenging and rewarding practice for a FIVE to find connection with others.  Being generally less physical than some types, the cerebral FIVE would also benefit from a vigorous asana flow practice like Sun Salutations and core strengthening.

TYPE FIVES are holders of knowledge and have much to contribute to our deeper understanding of any topic.  FIVES, when you come out of the "library" and into the material world,  you will find we are out here ready to embrace you, not just for what you know, but for the caring person you are. ©

Namase, donnajurene

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