Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Oh, this is so exciting!  Karen Guzak, Yoga Circle owner and teacher, is teaching FREE Intro to Yoga classes on selected Sundays this summer from 1:00-2:30 -- July 5th, August 2nd, August 15th. This is your chance!!!

Are you Yoga-curious?  Now's the time to give it a try.  My advice -- just do it!  Really.  You won't find a kinder, gentler studio.  No wall-to-wall sweaty bodies, no scary headstands, no teachers shouting out instruction over their headsets.  This is a place to come for a warm greeting, a slow move through basic asana (poses) and lots and lots of encouragement.

Of course I, too, was a little terrified my first time in the studio.  I've written in this blog about being a newbie.  (Look at some of the earliest posts in the archives.)  It can be intimidating when you don't know your Downward Dog from your Huckleberry Hound.  And what's with all those blocks and straps and blankets?  Well, they are "props" and you will get instruction in how to use them -- or not.  Everything is optional and there to help you in whatever way you need support.  It's OK to be clumsy; it's OK to be confused; it's OK to laugh; it's OK to fall out of a pose; it's even OK to fart (yes, there is a blog post about that too.)

Yoga Circle attracts women and men of all ages and all body sizes and types.  Some are lithe and limber, others stiff and sore or injured.  Some are slim and muscular and some are ample and curvy.  You WILL fit in!

The best piece of advice I would give is to leave your critical voice at home.  You know the one -- the mean girl or guy who whispers in your ear all the ways in which you screw up, or warns you of all the ways you will embarrass yourself.   That voice is not invited.  Lock it in the car in the parking lot.  You are on an adventure of discovery.  You want to strengthen your body and calm your mind.  And you don't want any gruff for efforts.

On this one I speak from recent experience.  Every day is a newbie day.  I've been practicing yoga for 6-7 years and at this morning's class I fell on my back while in an unsupported Boat Pose.  Boom!  And poses that generally are easy for me seemed hard and even impossible today.  I had to get firm with my critical whisperer and silence her!  Our bodies need different things at different times.  Our strength and flexibility wax and wane for many reasons.  If I listened to the "you can't do it" critic every time I made a mistake, I'd have quit long ago.  But I know that a regular practice reaps real and tangible benefits over the long haul.

Come with a smile, a willing attitude, a Beginner's Mind and just have fun!  You CAN do it!©


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